Wednesday 2 January 2013

Starting From Thence

Dear Diary,
I'm feeling real sleepy now. Its been an interesting day sort of. I'd some quality time with a very dear friend - just made me realize there's still people that genuinely care a great deal.

As the days go by, we'll get there but for now, it's treading cautiously - even the heart has a limit to what it can take. Sometimes, I just wonder; am I really for real or maybe I don't even realize who I am and the effects I create coz it's unbelievable the things I hear.

I'm gonna sign off tonight with a quote by my friend. She wrote:

A fish said:
I can't see my tears
because I'm in the water.

The water said:
I can feel your tears
because you're in my heart.

Lesson: We may hide our own hurt & pain but never can we lie to the people who care 4 us the most.

My name is Ayodele Daniel & I'm not afraid of love - I've been to so many battles with her to be frightened.

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