Wednesday 2 January 2013

Remembering The 3rd...

Dear Diary,

Good morning. It is one cold Thursday here in Zaria and quite surprisingly, I’m awake already – usually, I don’t get to wake up till around 9am since I came into town. Anyways, I’d one of the best nights although I can’t remember what it was I was dreaming about. But it feels good to be alive and rearing to go.
*rubbing palm against each other* that just did the trick – now I remember my dream but I aint sharing with you dear diary, I’m sorry. Have to keep somethings to myself. Now, today is one day that brings a flood of memories – one that’s constantly etched to my whole being and can’t be shaken off but with time, I hope, it fades away. Time afterall they say heals all wounds. But this is no ‘wound.’ If anything, it was an elixir ---

My one month internet subscription is ending tomorrow hence, I’m forced to recall the when, how and where the previous one was activated – in Benin, in room 306. That room...hmmm... I should go back there on my own one of these days, for the last time, a different woman and then, maybe, just maybe, I’ll bury the ghost of that past.

Some ghosts will just haunt you to a state of delirium – not in the exact meaning but somehow, you just become restless, cannot concentrate, and undergo emotional changes. That’s why this particular one has to be exorcised – and I’ll, whatever it takes.

Ok, my friend and neighbour is here now. I’ve gotta go. Talk to you later dear diary.

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