Tuesday 1 January 2013

Forging Forward...

Dear Diary,

It’s a new year, 2013, today. Feels like every other normal day only that there seems to be a beehive of activities in almost every home this morning. What am I doing? I’m talking to you dear diary so I’m not busy. Lol

Ok. I took a bold and decisive step last night – I wasn’t stepping into the new year with a grudge nor friction with anyone I know. It might not have panned out exactly but I did it and I felt good, I still feel good. Turns out it’s the best thing I could’ve done otherwise I would have been filled with regrets maybe not now, but later.

And what did I get in return for my move? An unanticipated sms and a call. No, two calls actually. You’ll be amazed at what just a simple call can do – it can be soothing.

Got some friendly advise and no, I won’t throw it in the ‘trash’, I’ll hold onto it; not when it’s your shrink giving it.

I’m going to go out later today – I don’t have to but I will. See what this town still holds and maybe it’ll evoke some pleasant memory somewhere that will just make me fall in love with it all over again coz for now, all I got is apathy and indifference – is that even possible?

Happy New Year Dear Diary. Here’s wishing us a roller coaster together.

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