Sunday 30 December 2012

I'll Keep On Searching Till I Find...

Dear Diary,

Its been a while, but guess I needed the time & space to put myself in perspective – and I did! Its been a tough year; full of surprises, high hopes, disappointments, love, personal development, good health & achievements. I can’t even begin to name them all ‘coz God has been so faithful.

The last couple of days were a blend of old & new, happiness & sadness, tears & joy, caution & recklessness, sobriety & inebriation. But it all counts for something – that I can be just who I want to be, no inhibitions.

I am just full of thanks to God for a very eventful year & for seeing me through my trials & triumphs. For the friends I made, for the lovers I met & lost, for members of my family who believe in me & those who do not, for giving me the strength even in my lowest moments & for shining His light upon me in my darkest hours – I can’t even begin to say THANK YOU GOD for your countless blessings, favours, grace, mercies & love. I’m humbled to be deserving of your attention, my Lord.

I step into a new year full of hopes, excitement & positive energy. I’m unstoppable. I’m a victor. I’m a champion. No challenge shall be too difficult for me to surmount – I’m a conqueror already. 2013 shall be my year. I shall accomplish all that I’m destined to fulfil & shall even astound myself by my own accomplishments coz I’m favoured of God.

Above all, I shall finally find who is deserving of my love & who I’m worthy of hers as well.  

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